The STS Repository
Industrial-Strengh Performance,
Scalability and Reliability for CM+
CM+ Professional and CM+ Enterprise are both built on the
high performance STS repository from Neuma Technology. No other database or
application server infrastructure is required.
Designed to meet the stringent requirements of large
software projects, the STS repository rests on an object-based architecture.
The major components of the repository are the database, a rules engine, the
transaction processor, and comprehensive reporting facilities. STS contains a
hierarchical and relational database which provides efficient storage and
retrieval of data. The rules engine ensures data integrity by using rules,
triggers, and data dictionary definitions. The transaction processor provides
audit trails, transaction queuing, and automatic recovery capabilities ensuring
reliable day-to-day operation.
CM+ is the performance leader in the CM market. CM+ uses a
unique, smart client that frees servers from the burden of handling queries and
file retrievals. The STS Advanced Hybrid Database is optimized for CM,
permitting relational, hierarchical and revision-based data navigation.
Most CM+ operations give sub-second response times, allow
hyper-data and drill down operations at the speed of the user. The smart client
architecture allows scaling from a few users to thousands of users with little,
if any, performance degradation. A well a CM+ application can scale from a few
to a few hundred thousand files with only a small impact on performance. CM+
can manage up to a few million data records while maintaining surprisingly
quick response times.
The layered granularity data architecture permits very rapid
operation with minimal resource usage. Typically, a repository with 30,000
problem reports and 50,000 files requires less than 16MB of application memory.
The CM+ application footprint fits in roughly 10MB of disk space, leaving
plenty of room for your data to grow. The architecture also supports selective
caching capabilities for use with repetitive searching of very large data
The STS Repository employs advanced delta compression
technology, which has deltas pre-applied allowing efficient retrieval of any
revision of a file. A delta comparison of a thousand files can be done,
typically in under a minute, and user workspaces can be populated at a rate of
a thousand files or more a minute.
The STS architecture ensures that the repository maintains
full integrity, without intervention, even across system crashes or disk full
errors. The repository has an efficient checkpoint/recovery facility so that
the entire repository can be checkpointed and later restored to that state by
copying a single checkpoint file. Date and user-stamped transaction logs
provide full journalling of all changes to the repository.
All maintenance operations, customizations and process
changes can be performed on the live system with little to no interruption to
ongoing user activities. Even product upgrades can typically be performed
without any end-user down time.
CM+ Enterprise includes a Rapid Application Development
capability that lets you extend your existing CM+ applications or add
completely new business applications to your existing repository. Take full
advantage of the STS advanced hybrid database, process engine and GUI
generation features and create new applications that are tightly integrated
into your development lifecycle. Neuma Technical Services can provide customization training and consulting services to help you get started.